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Information Ahmed, Your posts on FFI

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Age: 76
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Post subject: Re: Surah Suad 38 Reply with quote  

Aksel_Ankersen wrote:
BMZ wrote:

I always enjoy reading these verses about Kafirs:

هَٰذَا فَوْجٌ مُقْتَحِمٌ مَعَكُمْ ۖ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِهِمْ ۚ إِنَّهُمْ صَالُو النَّارِ

قَالُوا بَلْ أَنْتُمْ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِكُمْ ۖ أَنْتُمْ قَدَّمْتُمُوهُ لَنَا ۖ فَبِئْسَ الْقَرَارُ

قَالُوا رَبَّنَا مَنْ قَدَّمَ لَنَا هَٰذَا فَزِدْهُ عَذَابًا ضِعْفًا فِي النَّارِ

وَقَالُوا مَا لَنَا لَا نَرَىٰ رِجَالًا كُنَّا نَعُدُّهُمْ مِنَ الْأَشْرَارِ


Really? How sadistic of you. Unfortunately it may prove to be no more than a pleasure of anticipation.

Not really. Not in that sense. The beauty of the language. That is why I quoted in Arabic only.
Post Posted:
Wed 06 May, 2009 3:21 pm
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Post subject: A Pervert's New Topic on FFI Reply with quote  

Hello, all

I just read the lead goon KhaliL FarieL's post, titled Muhammad Maria Affair in Quran at FFI.

I am amazed at the audacity of this man, who I think, has never spoken a word of truth in his life. One can see how this pervert distorts and creates the titles of his posts.

"Muhammad Maria Affair in Quran"

Any sensible reader can see that Qur'aan does not talk about ladies or backbites about them. In fact, Qur'aan does not name any woman except dear Maryam.

The pervert's topic can be read here:

I am in a hurry for a meeting. Can someone tell the pervert to read about Prophet's wives here and also tell the goon that concubines are taken by men and are not gifted to them by others. Rotflmao

Will dissect his idiotic post later.

Post Posted:
Thu 07 May, 2009 11:17 am
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Post subject: For Islamophobes & FFI goons to take immediate action Reply with quote


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Thu 07 May, 2009 11:20 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I saw your response to the conman at FFI:

I wonder mister Khalil

why you dodged the first words by Ibn Kathir in his tafsir to the above verse?

Let me show it to you:

اُخْتُلِفَ فِي سَبَب نُزُول صَدْر هَذِهِ السُّورَة

Hahah, you know what the above mean which is said by ibn kathir?

it means: the people differed to the reason of revealing those first verses in this sura

Keep it itchy and shifty, mister Khalil

Most of the perverts at FFI are really itchy, shifty, conniving and contriving Aladdul-Khisaams and Liars, good at concoction.. lol!

Post Posted:
Thu 07 May, 2009 2:40 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I don't know who wrote the following for Khalil. It looks like another alleged "Shia ex-Muslim", who wrote the following:

Muhammad Maria Affair in Quran

Khalil Fariel

Muhammad had a concubine named Maria. His only son Ibrahim was born in her though the child died in infancy.

This is one of the secrets about Muhammad that most Muslims do not want to tell us. But an established fact does not require further substantiations hence I am not going to strive for proving Maria the Copt was Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s concubine. My attempt is to look into a notorious incident in Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s life which is connected to Maria our key figure.

Quran chapter (63) Surah Tahrim: for those going through the first part of this Surah, there is enough to wonder what they ARE exactly for in a book claimed to be guidance to the entire humanity to the end of times. We see God compelling Muhammad to expiate his oaths in order to crush the rebellion of his wives. What does this have to do in our affairs in this living period?

I am not hoping for an answer to this from Muslims but there is a little secret again for Muslims to bury or misinterpret to a great extent. The verses 1 to 5 tell us the story of Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s wives?????????????????????¢?? rebellion and Allah entering into the sight in a rather reproachful mode. After that god goes on to explain the reason of the rebellion of Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s wives:

And when the prophet secretly communicated a piece of information to one of his wives-- but when she informed (others) of it, and Allah made him to know it, he made known part of it and avoided part; so when he informed her of it, she said: Who informed you of this? He said: The Knowing, the one Aware, informed me. [Quran Chapter 63:5]

I had to isolate the above because this contains the ingredient I want to dissect. Verse says of a secret prophet informed to one of his wives but she later discloses the secret to others. Muhammad's God informs him of this leakage in right time for his wives to wonder ?????????????????????¢??how come he has been alerted of it?????????????????????¢??????????????????????. It is the essence.

Now, there is obviously something reeking with the above. What was that Muhammad had to conceal from some of his wives that is known to only one of them? What is all this drama about?

Muslims will not tell us the truth. The fact about this is not been found in two Sahih Hadith collections namely Bukhari and Muslim. What we get to know is rather a laughable account in something called Maghafir (a drink) or honey is mixed up.

Could you please tell the FFI clown to get at least the Surah number right. It is not 63. lol!

Post Posted:
Thu 07 May, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post subject: Khalil's post Reply with quote  

Just read this response from Khalil to you, Ahmed.

Hello Ahmed,

I know there is "Ikhtilaf"(dispute) among Quran interpreters on which occassion was the verses been revealed. And I did not claim Ibn Kathir did not have different version. In fact I brought the second version of events first from the online translators and to expose those people's deception brought the instant account from Ibn Kathir. I did not claim there is another version.

Besides, I brought Al-Shoukani too in which it said "scholars have disputed over the "Sabab" = reason". I translated it almost word to word and you can see it in my OP. But the first account all Mufassirs give is the one in "Muhammad is seen with Maria in Hafsa's house in latter's bed". And that can be the only fitting reason for Allah to reveal verses because the apologetic version does not make sense even for those who want to defend it. "Maghafir" is not a prohibited drink for Muhammad to have it privately and to keep it as secret from all of his wives except one.


He is again drifting into hadith and tafaasirs. Where does the Qur'aan mention about Maria?

I am aware of his hatred towards the Prophet but how can the sick pervert Khalil title his post "Muhammad Maria Affair in Quran"?

If he is an honest and a decent person, which I believe he is not, he could have titled it in his own perverted way, "Muhammad Maria Affair according to ahaadith and junk and stuff.

The man is sick.

Post Posted:
Thu 07 May, 2009 5:44 pm
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Post subject: Superb response from Mastablaster Reply with quote  

MastaBlaster wrote:"its funny to sit back and watch the enemies of faith banging their hands and trying to find a new angle to try and scratch the noble quran with their dirty nails

so Aaron Spelling aka khalil fariel above (who mixed up his surah numbers) wants to make a BeverlyHills 90210 drama out of a simple set of 5 verses."

Khalil Fariel wrote:I had to isolate the above because this contains the ingredient I want to dissect.

Mastablaster wrote Laughing of course you have to isolate verses in order to concoct your drama movie. but lets see if the BeverlyHills 90210 scenario holds waters if we put your purposely isolated verse back in context

66:1 O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you; you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

the prophet forbid something lawful for himself for the sake of pleasing his lucky wives. a true gentleman ahead of his time, not abusing from his social position, taking into consideration the emotions and needs of his wives 68:4"And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality"

66:2 Allah indeed has sanctioned for you the expiation of your oaths and Allah is your Protector, and He is the Knowing the Wise.

here we learn that muhammad went as far as taking an oath to forbid hismelf this lawful thing, but God says that He previously sanctionned the expiation of oaths when it is something lawful, because idealy one should not abstain himself from the lawful things in life. sometimes a human being under the influence of emotions makes an oath and forbids to himself something permissible as was the case with the prophet, and in such cases the oath should be broken 2:224 and then atoned for 5:89.

66:3 And when the prophet secretly communicated a piece of information to one of his wives-- but when she informed (others) of it, and Allah made him to know it, he made known part of it and avoided part; so when he informed her of it, she said: Who informed you of this? He said: The Knowing, the one Aware, informed me.

the prophet shared a secret with one of his wives but she betrayed his trust. apparently the gentleman of sublim morality was not feared inside his household.

66:4 If you both turn to Allah, then indeed your hearts are already inclined (to this); and if you back up each other against him, then surely Allah it is Who is his Guardian, and Jibreel and -the believers that do good, and the angels after that are the aiders.

the wife that betrayed his confidence and the one(s) that listened (contributing to the betrayal) are given the choice to ask forgiveness to Allah for this shameful act, their abuse of trust and leniency of the prophet towards them. This is done to reveal their true hearts, if they are true believers.
the verse tells them that if they seek forgiveness it means their hearts incline to faith, that they are true believers who made a mistake without any evil intention. but if they persist in their attitude it means they do not fear Allah and they are not among the true believers who do good. Allah, the angels and the true believers will protect the prophet from the machinations of evil spirits, and at the end Allah might replace such wives with true Muslims (see next verse)

66:5 Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers, fasters, widows and virgins.

if they dont mend their ways and the prophet divorces them, God might replace them with other wives having the following qualities: muslims (muslimatin), true believers (mu'minatin), obedient to Allah, turn to Allah in repentence, worshipers of Allah, fasters, whether widows or virgins.

As seen in Aaron Spelling's original post, there are several conflicting reports as to the circumstances surrounding the revelation of these verses, and this is enough to discard all of them.

The above verses do not serve any biographical purpose of the prophet of course, and the silence of the Quran regarding the thing which the prophet forbid himself from, testifies to this. The intent is thus to bring out a moral lesson applicable to all times and persons: the inadmissibility of regarding as forbidden (haram) anything that God has made lawful (halal), even if such an attitude happens to be motivated by the desire to please someone else. It also shows that the prophet was but a human being, subject to human emotions and even liable to commit an occasional mistake.
These verses also speak of the important notion of trust between husband and wife, that they should remain God-counscious in their interractions with eachother or else they could be replaced with other more pious husband/wife.

Ahmed wrote: "That was awsome bro, thanks. I reckon it should be part of the slam dunk show, what do you think?"

It was a great Slam Dunk. Better add into the list of your Slam Dunks, Ahmed.

Just two good Muslims are enough to handle the entire FFI bunch of goons.

The best joke is that it had nothing to do with Maria. All the ladies lived within the same compound i.e., Hujraat.

The FFI goons and charlatans think as if Prophet had bought many apartments. lol!

Well done, Mastablaster. Good you thrashed Khalil well and trashed the junk of Khalil Fariel into the bin.

Post Posted:
Thu 07 May, 2009 11:01 pm
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BMZ wrote:
Hello, all

This is one of the most hilarious false testimonies, written by FFI gang members.

Moza (former Muslim)
From WikiIslam

The following is a testimony of someone leaving Islam. The testimony was originally posted at the FFI Forum.


Testimony of Leaving Islam

Dear friends, Kindly bear with my bad English coz English is not my first language, I am an Arabic gilr from middle east I want to share my experience here as a muslim, first being a muslim is so shameful for me after being here for the past few months, Now I am not a muslim & I am a free girl. Second iam so thankful to this FFI and its masters
( Ali Sina, Haik Monsieur, Sum, Yazwee, apricot and a lot of fantastic eye openers, I will never knew about stupid islam without their fruitful posts. I have seen a lot of stupid posts of Ahmed, reletomb, muslim to death and other islamic goons.
( I got this name from them only )

I left islam coz once we went to Haji & I had a lot of bad experience there, the idiost coming to Haji was very much interested to touch myself & my cousin?????????????????????¢??s back instead of touching the stone. Iwas so shocedk to see all this, I cried a lot there. I was so involved in islamic prayers & its bloody stuff when I was a muslim

Through our house maid I came to know about Christianity, I used to watch when she prayed the way she prayed really touched my heart, when she prays to god she always prayes as though some one very close by is hearing her prayers, so many days I was thinking about this & I asked my mother about this and even she stared asking about christianity to our maid, she told us about the God Jehovah & his son Jesus Christ, from her point of view we started seeing Jesus Christ, it was a real wonderful feeling we both got and slowly I started reading bible & pray with her. I started reading bible a lot and I found so many good things there.

I compare Jesus with mo MAD. Jesus never kill any one, never hurt any one?????????????????????¢??s feelings, when people try to kill him he just went away from that place & he never asked his people to kill them, the judgment he gave to a prostitute when people try to stone her was a real eye opening thing of me. I cried when I read that chapter. I prayed & really I got a feeling that someone is hearing my prayers, I can?????????????????????¢??t understand Trinity but my maid also told me that even she is not believing Trinity but she believes God Jehovah & his Son Jesus Christ. She told me she is some Witness.. any way its not a problem for me now. I have wonderful God Jehovah & his son Jesus. Each and every day I am happy now & I never be so happy liken how I am now. Dear Muslim friends please please try to read bible once & ask yourself a question & compare Jesus with Momad. Sure you will understand the difference. How come God sent a good prophet like Jesus to this earth to Love one another and the same time how he sent an idiot after words to kill the same people. Funny right? Read New Testament bible again and again you will get the answers.


How hilarious can that be when this fake FFI goon wrote this? Looks like written by some Jesus freak at FFI. Rotflmao!

This was written by some FFI goon, who learnt the word goon from Ahmed and me. We were the first to introduce the word goon to FFI goons. I laughed my ass off when I read this fake Moza wrote that Ali Sina, Haik Monsieur, Sum, Yazwee, apricot and other goons opened her eyes. Rotflmao.

Here at my home, our Filipino maid is about to give up Christianity.

We allowed her to go to church on Sundays but she refused. Looking at the family members praying at home, she was fascinated.

In fact she is pushing us to speed up her Shahada but we have asked her to read and learn more first. Being a born and practising Christian, she now tells us, "I do not believe that a man like Jesus can be a son of God and how can he be God? Why should God have a son? "


Link for the bullshit: [url=] CLICK[/url]

1. She is not Arabian because she cannot even say the word pilgrimage in Arabic correctly. It is Hajj, not "Haji".
2. She left Islam because of harassment in the pilgrimage? I find such an action (harassment in the pilgrimage) almost impossible to believe. Still that is not a reason for someone to abandon his religion.
3. Did she leave Islam because of her "bad experience" at "Haji" or because of FFI and its "masters"? She is contradicting herself.
4. Apparently she only knew about Christianity, Jehova and prayer through her housemaid after her "bad experience" at the "Haji'!
5. Jesus never hurt anyone's feelings? Perhaps you should read his exchange with the Canaanite woman when he humuiliated her and called her a dog before treating her daughter.
6. The poor soul does not even know that the story of Jesus and the prostitute is afake and was inserted in the Gosepl in the tenth century.
7. There is no comparison between Muhammad and Jesus because Jesus was a false Prophet and Messiah according to your own Bible. You can ask your master "Yazwee" about this. We are happy wiht our religion, and we know that the Quran is the Word of God.
8. Why only read the "New Testament bible"? What about the Old Testament? Is not it part of the Bible? Did not Jesus say that he came to "fulfill" it? Maybe your housemaid did not tell you about it.
Post Posted:
Fri 08 May, 2009 2:16 am
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Hey, Ahmed!

I can see the FFI goons talking to themselves and nodding to each other. lol!

Can you take a short break, have mercy on the kids and spare them for a few days?


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Fri 08 May, 2009 9:48 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

BMZ wrote:
Hey, Ahmed!

I can see the FFI goons talking to themselves and nodding to each other. lol!

Can you take a short break, have mercy on the kids and spare them for a few days?



Indeed mate, along with the traitor and fake muslim de-punk-er

I will indeed take a long break, not a short one

Take care mate

Post Posted:
Fri 08 May, 2009 11:59 pm
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Post subject: A lying bigot's post on FFI Reply with quote  

I read the Pervert KhaliL Fariel's following parts of his idiotic and defeatist post addressed to Fudgy on FFI and wonder if the man has any sanity left. I see no improvement in the life and the mind of Khalil after 'leaving' Islam. lol! Looks like he could not refute Fudgy and Mastablaster and came up with the nonsense and gibberish.

KhaliL Fariel wrote:
Hey Nabil,

Since when have you been reduced to the level of a cheerleader? The man whom you quoted has been spanked all over this forum still shamelessly he stays around to expose more of his shallow brain. And you become such a shameless Muslim to cheerlead such miserable case..??? Are these guys your idols..? Have you no life?

KhaliL keeps on forgetting that he and other FFI goons have already been thrashed and trashed at FFI by a few of us, right there in his own den. I have never seen such a shameless non-Muslim, who has become the idol of all FFI goons. Looks like he himself has no life but only time to write rubbish, junk and stuff.

KhaliL Fariel wrote:
I really feel pity for you pathetic boy; you deserve a lot better than this seventh century crap but unfortunately you have been infected with this virus way earlier for it to destroy the most vital organ in your body which is essential for thinking and reasoning. That is BRAIN.

The problem with this kid Khalil is that he has no brain at all in such a modern time and prefers to reamin in the gutter. Laughing

The conman and pervert goes on to write:

KhaliL Fariel wrote:
"Hey Nabail..., boy; as I told you earlier, I preserve some morals. I have taken oaths in many things like I will not lie, I will not cheat my wife and family, I will not have second, third, fourt wives because that will hurt my wife, and after all, I will NEVER have a slave-girl and bonk her; these are some of them.

Look who is talking! The man has no morals, no integrity, no decency and no patience at all. He lies through his teeth. He is already cheating his wife, parents and relatives by not telling them that he has left Islam
and that he writes bad about Islam at FFI. How dishonest and a cheat can such a man be, who writes under fake names and aliases.

He should start his campaign at home. Instead of acting like a bigot and hypocrite, cheating and lying to others, he should tell the truth to his own family. parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, the dwellers who practise the 7th Century. Rotflmao!

I really feel pity for this sick and pervert mind and I hope he goes and screws up his own family, relatives and friends.

Simply put, another dishonest Closet Apostate.

Post Posted:
Sat 09 May, 2009 3:29 pm
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Post subject: Another Hilarious Post by A Hindu FFI Clown, a Cow & Stone Worshipper Reply with quote  

I read the following post from the youngest Hindu poster at FFI.

First, the One-Verse Translation FFI Clowns cannot understand Arabic and they can't even read a section comprising of a few verses to understand. Rofl.

sunshine wrote:

Verses that cause laughter

Postby sunshine ????????????????????????????» Sat May 09, 2009 6:18 pm
whatever of good befalleth thee (oh man) it is from Allah, and whatever of ill befalleth thee it is from thyself

Then we revived you (Moses) after extinction so that ye might give thanks


if ye cometh close from a closet, or ye have had conduct with a women and if ye find not water then go the high ground and rub ye face and hands with dirt


There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature on two wings, but they are people like you


Those who deny what we hath revealed unto you (Mohammed) are like dogs.


oh my people, this is the camel of Allah, a token unto you, touch her not with harm lest a near torment seize you

And unto Allah falleth prostrate whosoever in the heaven as do the shadows in the morning and in the evening hours.


I can understand the rest of her ignorance.

Can you check up with this FFI Hindu Clown, where did this goon, a she, get 7:116 from? Laughing Bold emphasis is mine.

Post Posted:
Sun 10 May, 2009 6:32 pm
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Post subject: The Baghdad Bob at FFI Reply with quote  

Baghdad Bob wrote at FFI:and these are the foundations of the Book which are plain for everyone.

Ahmed wrote:
Baghdad Bob, from where the hell you got the above crap?

The Quran never said that it is clear for everyone, neither it said that the Muhkamat verses will be clear to evryone

I guess I know from where you got the above crap, from your wishful thinking kafir mind

The Quran said more than once that the Quran is going to be hard and impossile to understand for the kafirs, i.e. for the likes of you, consequently you need to dismiss your kafir arse and stop finding excuses for your Kufr, your silly appolgies are dismissed.

That was a good answer to the goon.

I am thinking to start a post on the one-liner goons of FFI, who quote single verses and show how idiotic they look when they discuss through various translations.

Salaams, mate
Post Posted:
Wed 13 May, 2009 10:34 pm
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Read this response from Shindeiru to the MasterLiar, always been lying at FFI:

by MastaBlaster ????????????????????????????» Tue May 26, 2009 12:57 am

Muhammad bin Lyin wrote:Do you need me to repeat the question again

what an abnormal sewer rascal. i originally told your flat white ass that mary is linked to aaron through faith and clan. then you ask why is she specifically called aaron's sis and not moses'. i tell its because of her priestly affiliation with aaron, not moses. then you bring back your flat embarassed ass after your boring question was answered, and try to deviate the smoke coming outta your burned flat white ass by telling me that i only originally claimed that she was aaron's sis in faith, which is false.

thats the summary of your failure that so often takes you to the FFI garbage can, rascal hahahaha stay in the dark where you belong and keep feeding on my hash cakes viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2405&start=40#p40236

Good answer.

Post Posted:
Tue 26 May, 2009 4:23 pm
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Saw this silly post at FFI. Even the Kafir freaks are so bored that no one answered:


Koran 8:61....

Postby antineoETC ????????????????????????????» Fri May 22, 2009 10:42 am
Koran 8:61
And if they incline to peace, incline you also to it....

The above is often referred to by Muslims to demonstrate that Islam is a religion which not only permits fighting solely in self-defense but, if fighting has commenced, advocates peaceful resolution to conflict if an aggressive enemy displays a willingness to cease hostilities.

I contend that this is NOT the case and the line "if they incline to peace...." should be properly understood as "if the enemy inclines to peace ON ISLAM'S TERMS" ie shows a willingness to either embrace Islam or submit to Muslim rule as jizya-paying dhimmies.

Any Muslims care to take issue?


The poster is another one-verse quoter. lol! He does not read and understand that instructions have been given to Muslims to prepare themselves to defend and get strong. And if the other trouble-makers are inclined towards peace, the Muslims should show a response towards peace.

The best example is that of Iran, which has strengthened itself and is well-prepared to defend, if attacked. Countries, which were talking all the time to attack and invade Iran, are now silent and no more belligerent calls are being made.

So, Iran will incline towards peace, if they wish to show that they want peace.

Simple things which the FFI freaks and goons do not understand, simply because they never read the entire section.

Post Posted:
Tue 26 May, 2009 4:30 pm
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PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2004 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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[ Script generation time: 0.4328s (PHP: 82% - SQL: 18%) ] - [ SQL queries: 41 ] - [ Pages served in past 5 minutes : 208 ] - [ GZIP disabled ] - [ Debug on ]