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Post subject: media production Reply with quote  

Salaam All,

Saleem brother introduced me to this islamic website.

I work for a local tv channel here in Karachi and my question is related to my work. Is music haraam ? It confusing some say its ok and some says its haraam. A detailed answer will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards

Aatif Khan
Post Posted:
Thu 25 Jan, 2007 8:43 pm
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pathan wrote:
Salaam All,

Saleem brother introduced me to this islamic website.

I work for a local tv channel here in Karachi and my question is related to my work. Is music haraam ? It confusing some say its ok and some says its haraam. A detailed answer will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards

Aatif Khan

Salam brother

Welcome to Free Islam, I hope you will find this place beneficial in understanding Islam which I believe is solely based on the Quran, some little hearsay about the prophet should be followed but only if it passes the Quran and the common sense because we don????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢t know how many enemies the prophet had in 1400 years, those enemy has no objective but to defame him, i.e. we can????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢t give the enemy the opportunity to defame our religions by showing them that we follow non sense stated in the man made hadith and only defame the prophet and portray him as a horrible man while the Quran tells us that he was the best of exalted character

The issue of the Haram and Halal for me is very clear in the Quran, ONLY ALLAH SPECIIES WHAT IS HALAL AND WAH IS HARAM

Allah actually warned us not to say this is haram and that is halal, He even told us if we say so then we are liars, let????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢s look at the verse:

But say not - for any false thing that your tongues may put forth,- This is lawful, and this is forbidden, so as to ascribe false things to Allah. For those who ascribe false things to Allah, will never prosper.

[The Quran ; 16:116]

وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ لِمَا تَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُكُمُ الْكَذِبَ هَذَا حَلاَلٌ وَهَذَا حَرَامٌ لِّتَفْتَرُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ الْكَذِبَ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَفْتَرُونَ عَلَى اللّهِ الْكَذِبَ لاَ يُفْلِحُونَ (116)

-> See bro how the verse above is crystal clear, it starts by a warning ????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬???????????????????????????? But say not - for any false thing that your tongues may put forth????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????, see how what the tongues said is described as FALSE, our tongues should not say the following :????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????Haza Halal Wa Haza Haram????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????, i..e. ????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬???????????????????????????? This is lawful, and this is forbidden????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????, and that is exactly what you see happening by those confused Mullah, Imams, Sheikhs and Muftis, they keep telling us ????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????This is Lawful and That is Forbidden????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬???????????????????????????? while it is bloody forbidden on them to say so as Allah warned them in the above verse, what the verse is also telling us that those who say so are lying ABOUT ALLAH, I,e, only Allah is the One who can only tell us this is Halal and that is haram,:????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬???????????????????????????? so as to ascribe false things to Allah????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????, see how by saying this is Haram and that is Halal while Allah never told us as such is considered as ascribing lies to Allah, and for those who lie about Allah : For those who ascribe false things to Allah, will never prosper????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????????????????????????

Allah in the Quran forbidded many things explicitly, like Pork for example, on the other hand there are things that were forbidden indirectly like Khamr for example, let me explain:

If Allah told us that He forbids all Fawahish (Indecencies)

Then He describes something as Fahisha (Indeceny), then that something must be Haram, an example to this is Khamr, you will see that Allah did not forbid it explicitly rather indirectly, He told us that He forbids all Ithim then He told us that in Khamr there is big Ithim,

Based on the above, and because music was never made explicitly haram by Allah in the Quran it has to be not haram, however if an indecency is accompanied with music or motivated by music, like a half naked belly dancer dancing and horny men are watching then this is indecency and must be haram, but if no Ithim or Fahisha is accompanied with music then we can NOT say that Music is haram because if we do then we ascribe lies to Allah as per 16:116

Take care brother and welcome again to FI

Post Posted:
Thu 25 Jan, 2007 9:21 pm
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Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram

1. Allaah said, what translated means, "And of mankind he who purchases idle talks to mislead (people) from the Path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah) by way of mockery, For such there will be a humiliating torment." [31:6].

Al-Wahidi , along with other scholars of Tafsir (explaining the Qur'aan), said that "Idle Talk" in this Ayah is singing. The following companions gave this Tafsir: Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Mujahid and Ikrimah . Ibn Masud said, "By Allaah, whom there is no God except Him, idle talk is singing."

2. The Prophet said (which means), "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allaah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari Volume 7, Book 69, Number 494v].

This Hadeeth states that musical instruments are Haram, and there is no disagreement among the scholars on this. In his book, Ighathat Al-Lahfan, Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "When the Prophet said, 'render as lawful,' he meant that it was unlawful, then the people made it lawful."

3. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said, what translated means, group of this nation will be transformed into monkeys and swine." They said, "Do not they testify that there is no god except Allaah and that Muhammed is His Messenger?" He said, "Yes. And also they fast pray and perform Hajj." They said, "Then, what is their problem?" He said, "They use musical instruments, drums and female singers. (One day) they will go to sleep after a night of drinking and having fun, In the morning, they will be transformed (by Allaah) into monkeys and swine." [Iughathat Al-Lahfan].

4. Allaah said, criticizing the Kuffar's worship around the Kaa'bah, what translated means, "Their prayer at the House (Kaa'bah) was nothing but Muka'an and Tasdiyah." [8:35]. Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Atiyyah, Muj ahid, Ad-Dhahh'ak, AlHasan and Qatadah said that Muka'an means whistling, and that Tasdiyah means clapping of hands.


Sayings of the Scholars Regarding Music and Singing
Imam IbnTaymiyyah said, "Listening to music and sinful fun are among what strengthens the satanic ways the most. This is exactly what the disbeliever's used to do. Allaah said, And their prayer at the House (of Allaah) was nothing but Muka 'an and Tasdiyah. [8:35]. Ibn Abbas, ibn Umar and others said that Tasdiyah is clapping of hands, and that Muka'an is whistling. This was the Mushrikeen's way of worship. The Prophet and his companions worshipped Allaah , according to His order, in their prayer, reading the Qur'aan and Dhikr (supplication). It never occurred that the Prophet and his companions gathered to listen to singing that is accompanied by clapping or using drums."

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah also said regarding the person, whose habit is to listen to music, "His state of emotions becomes less passionate when he hears the Qur'aan. On the contrary, when he listens to instruments of the devil (music), he dances a lot. If the prayer is established, he either prays while sitting down or performs it as fast as when the roaster picks seeds. He dislikes listening to the Qur'aan and does not find beauty in it while reciting it. He has no taste for the Qur'aan and feels no love for it or pleasure when it is read. Rather, he finds pleasure if he listens to Mukaa' or Tasdiyah. These are satanic pleasures and he is among those whom Allaah mentioned in the Ayah, And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allaah), We appoint for him Satan to be a companion for him. [43:36]." [Awliyaa' Ar-Rahman].

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "Of the tricks of the enemy of Allaah, Satan, that he uses to trap those who do not enjoy much intelligence, knowledge or sincerity in religion, are M ukaa' and Tasdiyah. These people of ignorance listen to and use musical instruments that are prohibited and which lead the hearts to abandoning the Qur'aan. These hearts are indulging in sin and disobedience of Allaah. Music, then, is Satan's Qur'aan and the barrier between one and Allaah. It is the way to sodomy and adultery. With it, the lover finds what he seeks and dreams of sinful love. Satan has trapped the weak hearts in the love of singing and made it beautiful to them. Satan reveals to his agents' fake proofs that they use as evidence to the beauty of singing. These people accept Satan's revelation and, as a consequence, abandon the Qur'aan. When you witness them while listening, you will find them silent in humbleness, sitting idle and their hearts are concentrating and totally enjoying music and singing. Their hearts will feel closer to music, as if they were drunk. They dance and move in a suggestive manner, like faggots and whores. And why not? They are drunk with the pleasure of listening to music and singing and act accordingly. For other than Allaah, and for Satan, there are hearts that are being broken by sin, and fortunes that are being spent for other than Allaah's Pleasure. They spend their lives in joyful fun and make a mockery of their religion. Instruments of the devil are sweeter to their ears than the Qur'aan. If one of them listens to the Qur'aan from beginning to end, it will have little effect or excitement on him. If Satan's Qur'aan is being performed and heard, they feel joy in their hearts and one can see it in their eyes. Their feet dance, their hands clap, their breathing intensifies and the rest of their bodies feel joy. O you who are trapped in this sin, you who have sold your share of Allaah to Satan, what a losing deal! Why not feels this joy when you listen to the Qur'aan? Why not feel pleasure and comfort when the Glorious Qur'aan is recited? But, everyone seeks what he feels is suitable for him, and ends up with what is really suitable for him." [Ighathat Al-Lahfan].

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz was asked about listening to music and songs, "Is it Haram? I only listen to it for pleasure. What about playing the Rababah (a kind of guitar) and old songs? What about using drums in weddings?"

Sheikh Ibn Baz said, "Listening to music is Haram and a sin. It is a matter that leads to weakening the hearts and abandoning the Dhikr of Allaah and the prayer. The scholars said about the Ayah, And of' mankind he who purchases idle talks [31:6], that idle talks means singing. Abdullaah ibn Masud , the Prophet's companion, used to swear by Allaah that it is singing. If singing is accompanied by the Rababah, 'Ud (Arabic guitar), fiddles or drums, it is even more Haram. Any singing with any instrument is Haram and the scholars are unanimous on this. Therefore, Muslims must be aware of it. The Prophet said, "From among my nation there will be those who render as lawful adultery, silk (for men), AI-Khamr (alcohol) and musical instruments." [Al-Bukhari]. I advise you and others to read the Qur'aan and keep remembering Allaah. I advise you to listen to Qur'aanic programs on the radio. This way, one will find pleasure and will keep busy so he can stay away from music and songs. As for weddings, the Daff (tambourine) can be used along with innocent singing that does not call to sin. This can be done at night, only in weddings and only by and for women. These songs are a way of announcing an Islaamic marriage. The Sunnah of the Prophet supports the above. As for the drums, they are Haram all the time. The Daffis permitted in weddings and only for and by women."

Many Muslims today render music as permissible. This is due to their ignorance or outright defiance of the religion. We ask Allaah that we are among those who listen to the speech and follow the best of what it contains. These are the ones whom Allaah has guided and granted them the bounty of sanity and comprehending minds.
Post Posted:
Tue 05 Jun, 2007 2:31 am
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I twice read this 'Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram'. It starts with AL-Quran 31:6 This is exactly what prophet Mohammed told us and there should be nodoubt because its from Allah.
Now I cannot ask said scholars why and how they interpreted 31:6 this way. But I dont say they were wrong, they interpreted it to best of their belief, and to their times.

We cannot ignore that prophet Mohammad was sent as mercy to the ALL HUMANITY and Quran is for ALL TIMES. So how do you understand this music issue today. Surely as you mentioned there might be books on the subject. But isnt music everywhere from machines that hums, the birds singing, the ocean waves, the air, even quran is recitied in musical tones and even math and music are scientifically related. We are told prophet Dawud was given Az-zubuwr which is usually taken to mean the psalms ...the psalms being understood as including songs of praise with harps and drums among other instruments. And on judgment day, what will be used to let us know that day has come? TRUMPET!

Now I beg you to please tellme what you get out of 31:6

31:6 Transliteration - Wamina alnnasi man yashtaree lahwa alhadeethi liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattakhithaha huzuwan ola-ika lahum AAathabun muheenun

31:6 Literal - And from the people who buys the information's/speeches' amusement/fun to misguide from God's way/path without knowledge, and He takes it mockingly/making fun, those, for them (is) a humiliating/degrading torture.

Yusuf Ali - 31:6
But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

Shakir - 31:6
And of men is he who takes instead frivolous discourse to lead astray from Allah's path without knowledge, and to take it for a mockery; these shall have an abasing chastisement.

Pickthal - 31:6
And of mankind is he who payeth for mere pastime of discourse, that he may mislead from Allah's way without knowledge, and maketh it the butt of mockery. For such there is a shameful doom.

Finally I end with 6:150 Say: Come, bring your witnesses who can bear witness that Allah forbade (all) this. And if they bear witness, do not thou bear witness with them. Follow thou not the whims of those who deny Our revelations, those who believe not in the Hereafter and deem (others) equal with their Lord.
Post Posted:
Wed 06 Jun, 2007 1:07 am
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Are you Qur'ani by any chance? There's a group among Muslims who only believe in the Qur'an. They are called Qur'aniyeen. They argue that hadith cannot be depended on since we cannot differenciate between weak and authentic. Of course they neglect Imam Al-Bukhari and other hadith collectors and the great sciences. Im not labeling you here Im just asking.

Brother, you dont seem to understand what Im saying. Maybe my typing is confusing you. But Im discussing hadith and you're replying with Qur'anic verses.

The scholars you've mentioned above (the translators) are not all authentic. Those scholars interpret accoding to their 'Aqeedah so for example lets say one of them is Ikhwani (Muslim brotherhood) he will interpret according to his own understanding of the subject matter. Another is Sufi and the other is tabeeghi etc etc.

There's only one way of understanding Qur'an. One must read it in Arabic in order to understand the meaning of the Aye. Many scholars have warned against language interpretations coz simply the Quran was revealed in one language not 10. Same thing with the Torah in Hebrew.

For me perhaps its easy coz I read it only in Arabic alhamdolillah. But of course for others non-arabic speaking its hard, but they must learn in order to receive the best knowledge. And many mashallah have done so.

I cant give you my own interpretation of the Aye above, who am I to do so. We have no 'ilm or licence to utter opinions based on what I believe or what you believe.

The Qur'an is not a book. Its a message and the greatest one ever. Its Allah swt's words. How dare we play with His words. So I leave it to the people of knowledge. ' Is'alo ahla al 'ilm in kontom la ta'lamoun.

The Qur'an is not translated in 'Times'. You know what, it is why we have to read it in Arabic. It will confuse you even more when you read all the english, german, french translation etc.

Finally, the music here is applied to the instruments not bird or other animals, that Allah swt has created. We have created music bro to enjoy life even more and look what it has done; wasting our time instead of reciting Qur'an. I think music is one of the greatest fitna in Islam. It takes you far away from the deen. Your thoughts become more irrelevant to the Islamic thoughts. And believe me Im speaking from experience.

If you think there's nothing wrong with music then go ahead listen and we'll see one day if you notice any change in your life.

Look bro, I urge you to make du'aa in your Salah everyday. Pray that Allah swt guide you if you're confused. Scholars with great knowledge make du'aa every minute so that Allah swt can keep them or guide them to the straight path. We all should do so. Once you depend on Allah swt He will, guide you and show you signs that will keep you and us inshallah on the straight path. Arrogance is from Satan so he'll keep tellin us that we're right we dont need to make duaa sobhana Allah.

Post Posted:
Wed 06 Jun, 2007 1:10 am
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Anonymous wrote:
Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram
1. Allaah said, what translated means, "And of mankind he who purchases idle talks to mislead (people) from the Path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah) by way of mockery, For such there will be a humiliating torment." [31:6].

Salam bro:

Let's look at the verse in Arabic:

وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُولَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ (6)
[The Quran ; 31:6]

The verse above does not in anyway mention music, it only mention "Lahaw Al Hadith", in a street language it means "The B S of sayings", this is not equal to music rather equal to signing, "SAYINGS", "HADITH" and I totally agree with the verse that many people buy the BS of sayings, in effect if any music is accompanied with BS words, then it is not good, however the verse never said that something is halal nor haram.

Anonymous wrote:
Al-Wahidi , along with other scholars of Tafsir (explaining the Qur'aan), said that "Idle Talk" in this Ayah is singing.

EXACTLY, not music

Anonymous wrote:
The following companions gave this Tafsir: Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Mujahid and Ikrimah . Ibn Masud said, "By Allaah, whom there is no God except Him, idle talk is singing."

Fine but that does not make the proper singing with proper words haram, iin fact when the prophet migrated from mecca to madina, they met him and they sang for him, Talaa Al Badr Alaina if you have read the sira of the prophet

Anonymous wrote:
2. The Prophet said (which means), "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments,

Use the musical instrument to do what?, to make music for singers so they sing their BS?, if yes then true that has to be classified as Lahaw Al Hadith but again 31:6 never said that this is haram, rather something that should be avoided,

Anonymous wrote:
as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allaah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." [Al-Bukhari Volume 7, Book 69, Number 494v].

I dont hold Bukhari reports with any degree of merit, I dont know him nor I can be sure that he existed neither I'm required to believe that Bukhari existed.

Anonymous wrote:
This Hadeeth states that musical instruments are Haram, and there is no disagreement among the scholars on this.

and there shoud be no disagreement that those scholars have taken that law of haram and halal from bukhari reports not from Allah nor from the prophet.

Anonymous wrote:
In his book, Ighathat Al-Lahfan, Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "When the Prophet said, 'render as lawful,' he meant that it was unlawful, then the people made it lawful."

and how about Allah, did He made the music unlawfull in His Quran?

Anonymous wrote:
3. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said, what translated means, group of this nation will be transformed into monkeys and swine." They said, "Do not they testify that there is no god except Allaah and that Muhammed is His Messenger?" He said, "Yes. And also they fast pray and perform Hajj." They said, "Then, what is their problem?" He said, "They use musical instruments, drums and female singers. (One day) they will go to sleep after a night of drinking and having fun, In the morning, they will be transformed (by Allaah) into monkeys and swine." [Iughathat Al-Lahfan].

Any hadith by Abu Hurayrah MUST BE DISMISSED, the hadith has given us enough evidences that Abu Hurayrah integrity is doubtful, this is from a hadith by our mother Aysha who accused him of lying about the prophet, then he accused her of spending her time in front of the mirror, sort of he insulted his mother, the mother of the believers.

Anonymous wrote:
4. Allaah said, criticizing the Kuffar's worship around the Kaa'bah, what translated means, "Their prayer at the House (Kaa'bah) was nothing but Muka'an and Tasdiyah." [8:35]. Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Atiyyah, Muj ahid, Ad-Dhahh'ak, AlHasan and Qatadah said that Muka'an means whistling, and that Tasdiyah means clapping of hands.

so?, obviously they were using the house of Allah for non sense, now that must be haram, because it is the house of Allah. but what is wrong if I hear a song with words that does not lead people astray? for example songs for the country, or songs about the Ummah, or songs about the prophet or even songs about Allah

Anonymous wrote:
Sayings of the Scholars Regarding Music and Singing
Imam IbnTaymiyyah said, "Listening to music and sinful fun are among what strengthens the satanic ways the most. This is exactly what the disbeliever's used to do. Allaah said, And their prayer at the House (of Allaah) was nothing but Muka 'an and Tasdiyah. [8:35]. Ibn Abbas, ibn Umar and others said that Tasdiyah is clapping of hands, and that Muka'an is whistling. This was the Mushrikeen's way of worship. The Prophet and his companions worshipped Allaah , according to His order, in their prayer, reading the Qur'aan and Dhikr (supplication). It never occurred that the Prophet and his companions gathered to listen to singing that is accompanied by clapping or using drums."

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah also said regarding the person, whose habit is to listen to music, "His state of emotions becomes less passionate when he hears the Qur'aan. On the contrary, when he listens to instruments of the devil (music), he dances a lot. If the prayer is established, he either prays while sitting down or performs it as fast as when the roaster picks seeds. He dislikes listening to the Qur'aan and does not find beauty in it while reciting it. He has no taste for the Qur'aan and feels no love for it or pleasure when it is read. Rather, he finds pleasure if he listens to Mukaa' or Tasdiyah. These are satanic pleasures and he is among those whom Allaah mentioned in the Ayah, And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allaah), We appoint for him Satan to be a companion for him. [43:36]." [Awliyaa' Ar-Rahman].

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "Of the tricks of the enemy of Allaah, Satan, that he uses to trap those who do not enjoy much intelligence, knowledge or sincerity in religion, are M ukaa' and Tasdiyah. These people of ignorance listen to and use musical instruments that are prohibited and which lead the hearts to abandoning the Qur'aan. These hearts are indulging in sin and disobedience of Allaah. Music, then, is Satan's Qur'aan and the barrier between one and Allaah. It is the way to sodomy and adultery. With it, the lover finds what he seeks and dreams of sinful love. Satan has trapped the weak hearts in the love of singing and made it beautiful to them. Satan reveals to his agents' fake proofs that they use as evidence to the beauty of singing. These people accept Satan's revelation and, as a consequence, abandon the Qur'aan. When you witness them while listening, you will find them silent in humbleness, sitting idle and their hearts are concentrating and totally enjoying music and singing. Their hearts will feel closer to music, as if they were drunk. They dance and move in a suggestive manner, like faggots and whores. And why not? They are drunk with the pleasure of listening to music and singing and act accordingly. For other than Allaah, and for Satan, there are hearts that are being broken by sin, and fortunes that are being spent for other than Allaah's Pleasure. They spend their lives in joyful fun and make a mockery of their religion. Instruments of the devil are sweeter to their ears than the Qur'aan. If one of them listens to the Qur'aan from beginning to end, it will have little effect or excitement on him. If Satan's Qur'aan is being performed and heard, they feel joy in their hearts and one can see it in their eyes. Their feet dance, their hands clap, their breathing intensifies and the rest of their bodies feel joy. O you who are trapped in this sin, you who have sold your share of Allaah to Satan, what a losing deal! Why not feels this joy when you listen to the Qur'aan? Why not feel pleasure and comfort when the Glorious Qur'aan is recited? But, everyone seeks what he feels is suitable for him, and ends up with what is really suitable for him." [Ighathat Al-Lahfan].

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz was asked about listening to music and songs, "Is it Haram? I only listen to it for pleasure. What about playing the Rababah (a kind of guitar) and old songs? What about using drums in weddings?"

Sheikh Ibn Baz said, "Listening to music is Haram and a sin. It is a matter that leads to weakening the hearts and abandoning the Dhikr of Allaah and the prayer. The scholars said about the Ayah, And of' mankind he who purchases idle talks [31:6], that idle talks means singing. Abdullaah ibn Masud , the Prophet's companion, used to swear by Allaah that it is singing. If singing is accompanied by the Rababah, 'Ud (Arabic guitar), fiddles or drums, it is even more Haram. Any singing with any instrument is Haram and the scholars are unanimous on this. Therefore, Muslims must be aware of it. The Prophet said, "From among my nation there will be those who render as lawful adultery, silk (for men), AI-Khamr (alcohol) and musical instruments." [Al-Bukhari]. I advise you and others to read the Qur'aan and keep remembering Allaah. I advise you to listen to Qur'aanic programs on the radio. This way, one will find pleasure and will keep busy so he can stay away from music and songs. As for weddings, the Daff (tambourine) can be used along with innocent singing that does not call to sin. This can be done at night, only in weddings and only by and for women. These songs are a way of announcing an Islaamic marriage. The Sunnah of the Prophet supports the above. As for the drums, they are Haram all the time. The Daffis permitted in weddings and only for and by women."

With my respect to them, I don????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢t take the haram and halal laws from humans, I only take it from Allah, I don????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢t know all the above people nor I'm sure that they existed

Anonymous wrote:
Many Muslims today render music as permissible.

Of course if it not accompanied with anyting wrong.

for example if we have a music playing and a belly dancer is dancing on it, then sure we have a religious conflict in here, but if I;m hearing a song about Allah then surely there is no religious conflict in here

Anonymous wrote:
This is due to their ignorance or outright defiance of the religion.

Well, I say, this is due to their ignorance and their defiance to Allah words:

But say not - for any false thing that your tongues may put forth,- This is lawful, and this is forbidden, so as to ascribe false things to Allah. For those who ascribe false things to Allah, will never prosper.

[The Quran ; 16:116]

وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ لِمَا تَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُكُمُ الْكَذِبَ هَذَا حَلاَلٌ وَهَذَا حَرَامٌ لِّتَفْتَرُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ الْكَذِبَ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَفْتَرُونَ عَلَى اللّهِ الْكَذِبَ لاَ يُفْلِحُونَ (116)

Anonymous wrote:
We ask Allaah that we are among those who listen to the speech and follow the best of what it contains. These are the ones whom Allaah has guided and granted them the bounty of sanity and comprehending minds.



Post Posted:
Wed 06 Jun, 2007 10:04 am
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Anonymous wrote:
I twice read this 'Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram'. It starts with AL-Quran 31:6 This is exactly what prophet Mohammed told us and there should be nodoubt because its from Allah.
Now I cannot ask said scholars why and how they interpreted 31:6 this way. But I dont say they were wrong, they interpreted it to best of their belief, and to their times.

Salam bro

I don't say that they are wrong either, what i'm saying is simply 31:6 does not talk about music in any way, it only talks about hadith (talking) and becaise singing is talking then it should cover singing, therefore according to their understanding or the word hadith as (talking), music only without any signing is allowed, NO HADITH (SINGING) IN HERE, but under my proposed understanding the music should not be allowed if something conflicting with the religion is part of the music package, like a belly dancer dancing along the music in front of a bunch of horny men. but if there is nothing wrong (words or actions) that is included with the music then we can't say it is haram, this is a violation to 16:116

Anonymous wrote:
We cannot ignore that prophet Mohammad was sent as mercy to the ALL HUMANITY and Quran is for ALL TIMES. So how do you understand this music issue today.

As I explained a couple of times already and what i said should apply to today and yesterday, didnlt they sing for the prophet when he migrated from mecca to medina?

Anonymous wrote:
Surely as you mentioned there might be books on the subject. But isnt music everywhere from machines that hums, the birds singing, the ocean waves, the air, even quran is recitied in musical tones and even math and music are scientifically related.

Very good point indeed

Anonymous wrote:
We are told prophet Dawud was given Az-zubuwr which is usually taken to mean the psalms ...the psalms being understood as including songs of praise with harps and drums among other instruments. And on judgment day, what will be used to let us know that day has come? TRUMPET!

Another very valid point

Anonymous wrote:
Now I beg you to please tellme what you get out of 31:6

Lahaw Al hadith, is any BS of talking, singing or not, for example the song of the songs in the bible is all full of words that must make you horny, and as a result of that it has to be conflicting with the religion, I wont go to the extreme and call it haram because I can't according to 16:116 but I will say it should not be done if any part of it is conflicting with the religion

Anonymous wrote:
31:6 Transliteration - Wamina alnnasi man yashtaree lahwa alhadeethi liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattakhithaha huzuwan ola-ika lahum AAathabun muheenun

Anonymous wrote:
31:6 Literal - And from the people who buys the information's/speeches' amusement/fun to misguide from God's way/path without knowledge, and He takes it mockingly/making fun, those, for them (is) a humiliating/degrading torture.

It is obvious it is about TALKING (Hadith) and sure signing is part of the hadith, the buying in the verse is used as a metpahor not really buying a CD record, rather accepting some BS talking then promoting it and we can seee CLEARLY that the conflict in the religion is mentioned in the verse, i.e. what they promote is to "to misguide from God's way/path without knowledge, and He takes it mockingly/making fun, those,"

Anonymous wrote:
Yusuf Ali - 31:6
But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

Anonymous wrote:
Shakir - 31:6
And of men is he who takes instead frivolous discourse to lead astray from Allah's path without knowledge, and to take it for a mockery; these shall have an abasing chastisement.

Anonymous wrote:
Pickthal - 31:6
And of mankind is he who payeth for mere pastime of discourse, that he may mislead from Allah's way without knowledge, and maketh it the butt of mockery. For such there is a shameful doom.

From the above I take Shakir as the most accurate

Anonymous wrote:
Finally I end with 6:150 Say: Come, bring your witnesses who can bear witness that Allah forbade (all) this. And if they bear witness, do not thou bear witness with them. Follow thou not the whims of those who deny Our revelations, those who believe not in the Hereafter and deem (others) equal with their Lord.

قُلْ هَلُمَّ شُهَدَاءكُمُ الَّذِينَ يَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ اللّهَ حَرَّمَ هَذَا فَإِن شَهِدُواْ فَلاَ تَشْهَدْ مَعَهُمْ وَلاَ تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاء الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا وَالَّذِينَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالآخِرَةِ وَهُم بِرَبِّهِمْ يَعْدِلُونَ (150)
[The Quran ; 6:150]

Another very valid argument against those who tell us this is haram and that is halal without permission from Allah

Salam bro

Post Posted:
Wed 06 Jun, 2007 10:24 am
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